Exhibition Information

Response Room

March 16 – April 9 2009

Talbot Gallery 51 Talbot Street Dublin1. Tel/Fax: 01 8556599

Email: info@talbotgallery.com www.talbotgallery.com

Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday 10.30am – 5.00pm Saturday 10.30am – 2.00pm

Four Dublin based practitioners from a spectrum of disciplines, have been allocated a space within the gallery. Using a thematic framework each artist is asked to respond to a line of enquiry that interests them. The work is carried out in the gallery space over a specific period of time.

The purpose of the Response Room is to ask questions about how visual art is made.

The work will challenge the notion of working outside the traditional studio environment. How will the practitioners work with a mix of creative practices and collaborations? What is the form of interaction with audience? What are the alignments between the artists, the gallery and audience.

This blog functions as a place where artists can interact with each other and also where the public can comment and interact with the artwork at various stages.

Closure Night Response Room

Thursday evening 9th of April 2009

Closure night for response room could have been a solemn affair (for those Catholics among us, as it was Holy Thursday) but no there was no keeping the art vultures at home they were out in their droves. What a great finale to a really impressive show all the hard work over the last four weeks paid off as the response to the show was overwhelmingly positive. As always at Talbot Gallery openings there were familiar faces from the Dublin art scene but there was a definite International flavour to the evening and a few nods from the whose who. After the wine had been well and truly drank the evening continued on downstairs in Grainger’s bar where I’m sure art, recession and God were discussed right into Good Friday

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Joe Stanley

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